Cook Islands National Strategic Plan for Sexual Reproductive Health 2014-2018
This National Strategic Plan targets sexual Reproductive Health within the Cook Islands.
National Health Reorientation Plan 2024+
Te Marae Ora Ministry of Health (TMO) National Health Reorientation Plan (NHRP) is a strategic initiative
aimed at implementing key focus areas outlined in Te Papa Tutara a Te Marae Ora (Health Road Map 2017
-2036) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) regional frameworks.
Cook Islands Tobacco Control Action Plan 2023 – 2031
Tobacco control plays a key role in the implementation of the NCD Action Plan which
includes key actions such as development of a tobacco control action plan, prevention of
industry interference, and increasing excise tax on tobacco.
Cancer Control Plan
This document outlines the strategic actions and action areas of Cancer Control in the Cook Islands.
Cook Islands COVID-19 Response Plan
The Cook Islands COVID-19 Response Plan 2021 elaborates on the new normal; and living life with COVID-19 in the Cook Islands. The plan provides guidance to multi-sectoral response efforts to COVID-19. This plan will help the Cook Islands and its people stay safe and adaptable.
Primary Healthcare Development Strategy 2021
The Primary Healthcare Development Strategy provides a framework for the provision and
further development of primary healthcare services in Cook Islands.
Cook Islands Strategic Action plan to prevent and control Non-communicable diseases 2021-2025
This document outlines TMOs strategy and actions to prevent, control and mitigate the impact of NCDs.
Risk Communication and Community Engagement Plan for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
The RCCE Plan outlines the framework for TMO to effectively communicate and engage with national and international stakeholders.
Critical, Preparedness, Readiness, and Response Plan to COVID-19
This plan outlines Te Marae Ora’s measures to strengthen the health system’s capability to respond to COVID-19.
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