We have seen an increase in people coming in for mental health support. Remember that most of us in our lives are going to experience mental health difficulties – this is normal. By recognizing this, and learning how to manage better we can cope better. We become more resilient, stronger, and become better children, parents, grandparents, and community members.
The Mental Health Unit works with people and their families with a wide range of mental health needs, from mothers and babies with depression through to our old people with dementia and everything in between – such as anxiety, depression, psychosis (hearing voices). Difficulties affect us all, and at times this can be overwhelming or cause us to do things we wouldn’t usually do. Our goal is support our Cook Islands people to live their best lives.
Our team includes a Medical doctor, a Clinical Psychologist, three Nurses, ope social worker/ counsellor and an Administrator. We all come from differing perspectives so we can tailor our service to you. Our team looks after people both in hospital and in the community.

We are also still running our workshops – on stress and anxiety. We have had over 1000 people through these workshops over the past 6 weeks. People can register through registerme.workshop@gmail.com.
Workshop times are Wednesday 1:30pm-3:00pm, Thursday 11:00am-12:30pm, 1:30pm-3:00pm. The Friday workshops for those managing groups – bosses, employers, and leaders are from 9:00am-12:00pm. These times may change depending on numbers.
If you need to talk to our team, free call 0800 1814 to have a chat with our team. They are available day and night.
Our team sees people all ages and all walks of life. If you are concerned about aloved one or yourself then ring 25664 or 08001814, and our team will arrange an appointment. They are available day and night. If it is urgent please tell the person answering the phone.
What happens?
On your first appointment, you and our team member will talk about different things and what is happening for you. Sometimes, you might do differ assessments and tests, or our team might talk with your family.
Together you will come up with plan – which might involve therapy (talk through things) medication, support, social support, or something else. This plan might only be one or two appointments or it might be ongoing support.
Our team works with individuals, couples, family, children and parents
Good mental health is associated with increased learning, creativity and productivity, social behaviour and positive relationships. In contrast, mental health conditions can cause distress, impact on daily functioning, lead to deterioration of relationships, poor physical health and premature death. It is possible to be diagnosed with a mental health condition while feeling well in many aspects of life.
Te Puna Tiaki Wellness Unit

Te Marae Ora, alongside with Mental Health facility with the capacity to house four inpatients