CookSafe contact tracing pilot launches tomorrow
Travellers arriving in the Cook Islands on Friday’s plane from New Zealand will be invited to keep track of their movements as part of the COVID-19 contact tracing pilot
Repatriation flight arriving 19 June
Secretary of Health Dr Josephine Aumea Herman today confirmed this week’s repatriation
flight will depart Auckland on Saturday, arriving here Friday as planned
Opening up with caution
Just as closing the border on March 25 contributed significantly to the Cook Islands achieving COVID-19 free status, reversing that and easing border restrictions requires a cautious and careful approach to minimise the risk of importing COVID-19
Easing borders and minimising public health risks
Cook Islands border restrictions are lifting, initially to Cook Islands residents and work permit holders
Meitaki ma’ata repatriation success
After months of lockdown and quarantine, the Cook Islands Government repatriation of stranded Cook Islanders can be deemed a resounding success.
Far from over – COVID-19 is still circulating the globe
While our country is currently one
of the very few in the world that is
currently COVID-19 free…we can’t
afford to drop our guard now, or into the future, otherwise all that good work will come tumbling down
Rarotonga Hospital equipped with negative pressure room
Rarotonga Hospital is now equipped with a vital piece of medical infrastructure that can be used to treat critically ill COVID-19 patients as well as a host of other potentially fatal infectious illnesses.
Repatriation of Cook Islanders and residents
The first cohort of returning Cook Islands residents arrives this afternoon. Prime Minister Henry Puna noted “It is a triumph of our people’s strength, government policy, and coordinated efforts with our international partners that allows our people to come home.