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Operation Namu is Underway

Aimed at halting the current dengue outbreak on Rarotonga, Operation Namu21 continues this week, with health ministry Te Marae Ora leading and coordinating a government-wide, multi-ministry approach to stopping the spread of the mosquito-borne virus

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Boil Water Notice

All residents reliant on the public supply of water straight off the mains for drinking and cooking purposes need to remember to continue boiling their water.

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World Cancer Day

To commemorate World Cancer Day on Thursday 4 February 2021, Te Marae Ora is encouraging everyone to wear orange.

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Supervised Quarantine to end this evening

Passengers who arrived on Friday 29 January entered Supervised Quarantine and were tested for COVID-19 on arrival. All 54 test results came back negative. With no new community cases confirmed in the NZ COVID update this afternoon, passengers currently in Supervised Quarantine will be released from the facility at 6pm today.

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