Twelve passengers who recently arrived from Auckland and who are now residing in Aitutaki have tested negative for COVID-19. This follows a precautionary measure taken by Te Marae Ora to contact trace, interview and test all recent arrivals from Auckland following New Zealand’s announcement earlier this week about a growing cluster of COVID-19 cases.
One of the returnees had symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection and was placed in isolation at home along with other members of the household. The results of the tests are reassuring.
Earlier this week, Te Marae Ora followed up on a recent arrival from one week ago, resident in Rarotonga, who presented with flu like symptoms. She and her seven household members all tested negative.
In addition to the above in-country tests, all passengers on flights that arrived 7th August and 31st July have been tested and these tests will be flown to the laboratory in New Zealand on this afternoon’s flight. The results are expected early next week. Thus far over 16% of the Cook Islands population has been tested for COVID-19.
COVID-19 can present with symptoms and signs of a respiratory tract infection, new and worsening cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, fever, coryza – head cold, runny nose, post nasal drip and anosmia – and loss of the sense of smell. Some people may present with less typical symptoms such as: fever, diarrhoea, headache, muscle aches and pains, nausea/vomiting, or confusion/irritability.
It is important our families and communities continue to practise good hand, face and cough hygiene, and physical distancing.
ENDS: Enquiries to Jaewynn McKay +682 55486