13 February 2022 (CKT) – 9.10pm
Following on from the Prime Minister’s statement a short time ago, Te Marae Ora can now confirm that the following Locations of Interest have been identified as a result of TMO staff interviewing the case. Unfortunately, the case was not using CookSafe and tagging-in, all times listed therefore are approximate and you can expect that these locations may be added to, and times refined in the next day or so:
Thursday February 10
NZ 946 Rows 61 to 65
Island Car Hire (across from the airport)
Wilmore’s Superstore 4-5pm
Muri Night Market at approx. 7:20pm
Tem’s Store next to night market
Tupapa Centre
Palace Takeaways – 8pm
Trio’s Bar from 9.20pm-11pm
Friday February 11
Police station re Drivers Licence
ANZ bank (inside) 2.20pm – 3pm
Party bus from 8:55pm onwards (Hula Bar, Luna Bar, OTR, Rehab)
Saturday 12 February
Trader Jacks from 7pm – 9pm both bar and restaurant
ENDS: For more information, please visit www.health.gov.ck or contact Jaewynn McKay; jaewynn.mckay@cookislands.gov.ck +682 55486