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Clinical Support


We have one clinical laboratory in the Cook Islands based at Rarotonga Hospital. Our laboratory has not been accredited yet but we are working towards this.

Core laboratory services include:

  • Haematology
  • Clinical biochemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Blood bank services (immune-haematology)
  • Specimen collection and phlebotomy (blood) services
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Te Marae Ora provide pharmacy services on Rarotonga at the hospital and Tupapa Clinic, as well as on Aitutaki. Additionally pharmacy services are delivered through nurses on Rarotonga and the Pa Enua. Other pharmacy services are provided through community pharmacies on Rarotonga.

Regulation and registration

The Pharmacy Board is responsible for the registration and licensing of pharmacy assistants, technicians and pharmacists, including the establishment and regulation of pharmacies. The Board is enacted through the Ministry of Health (Pharmacy and Therapeutic Products) Regulations 2013. Membership of the Board includes:

  • Head of Ministry (Chairperson)
  • Chief Pharmacist
  • Registrar
  • Medical Practitioner nominated by the Cook Islands Medical Association
  • Representative of the private pharmacy profession appointed by the Minister
  • Representative of the community appointed by the Minister
Bringing medicines into the Cook Islands?
It’s important for you to have a supply of your usual medicines with you when you visit the Cook Islands. While there are a large number of medicines available in the Cook Islands, we cannot guarantee that your medicine will be available here if you forget to bring it or if you run out of it before you head home. We encourage you to bring a supply of your usual medicines that will last for the entire length of your visit, up to a maximum of 3 months’ supply. 
If you’ll be in the Cook Islands for longer than 3 months’ then please contact Te Marae Ora (see below) for advice about how to maintain a supply of your usual medicines while you’re here. Read more
Accessing medicine during COVID-19

There is still no vaccine or antiviral treatment available for COVID-19, however patients should still be able to receive the medicines they need. While it is important to get medical help if you need it, we are currently limiting face to face contact.

Paperless prescription process
  • Patient calls the Healthline for a medical consultation
  • The doctor writes a prescription onto the health information system and this will show up on the pharmacy system
  • The pharmacy receives the information and dispenses the medicine
  • If the patient is at the clinic, the medicine is provided to them there along with advice on how to take their medicine properly
  • If the patient is not at the clinic, the medicine is delivered to their Puna and they may collect it from their Puna office or have it dropped off at their home by a nurse
Bringing personal medicines into the Cook Islands? CLICK HERE


Radiology is an important service that assists clinicians in their ability to diagnose and manage conditions, as well as to make appropriate referrals overseas.

Services include:

  • General radiography services – x-rays
  • Ultrasound services – includes general abdominal scans, musculoskeletal, echocardiogram
  • Special x-ray examinations

Te Marae Ora is working to secure a CT scan in country to improve diagnostic capability in country, and inform clinical management and appropriate referrals overseas.

Rehabilitative services

We currently offer physiotherapy services for the treatment of injuries, and to assist patients post-surgery or who have had a stroke. Physiotherapy services assist with pain management, improving joint mobility and movement, and strength and coordination.


Biomedical services relate to the servicing and repairs of medical equipment. Our biomedical technicians are responsible for overseeing equipment, and ensuring it is safe to use and health professionals use this equipment correctly.

Patient Referrals

The Patient Referrals Policy applies to resident Cook Islanders and permanent residents who have been assessed by Te Marae Ora clinicians for medical transfer. All patient referrals from Te Marae Ora must be approved by the Secretary of Health and the Patient Referrals Committee.

Domestic referrals

All referrals from the Pa Enua are sent to Rarotonga for care. Most conditions requiring urgent medical transfer include complicated pregnancies, accidents and emergencies. All resident Cook Islanders and permanent residents will be eligible to receive a medical transfer.

International referrals

All urgent medical transfer from Rarotonga are sent to New Zealand. However, the process to refer a patient to New Zealand requires clinicians from Rarotonga contacting clinicians in New Zealand. A patient can only be referred internationally if there is a hospital or specialist to receive the patient.

Health Specialist Visits

The Health Specialist Visits (HSV) programme enables Cook Islanders and residents to access quality specialist services and for Cook Islands based health professionals to build their capability. The HSV programme is funded by the New Zealand Government and started in 1994. This programme has helped Te Marae Ora fill critical gaps in service delivery, and build the capability of our workforce.

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