21 JUNE 2022
Effective from Friday 1 July 2022, all Te Marae Ora – Ministry of Health non-emergency services will close to the general public at 2pm on Fridays of each week until further notice.
Te Marae Ora Tupapa Administration, Tupapa Primary Care, Public Health, Puna Community Clinics, Oral Health, Pharmacy, Laboratory Services are the services affected together with the Pa Enua Health Centres.
Secretary of Health Bob Williams says anyone seeking medical attention can go straight to the Emergency Department at the main hospital from 2pm, or alternatively can contact 22664.
RAT testing for all people flying to the Pa Enua on day of departure will also stop from 1 July 2022 and until further notice, while RAT testing at health facilities will only be available for symptomatic people when visiting a doctor or nurse.
Services to be provided at the Puna Community Health Clinics will be:
- Weighing of clients, vaccination, and health checks
- School visits
- Home visits for elderly, postnatal first week checks, discharge referrals, palliative
- Non-Communicable Diseases clinics three days a week and laboratory services
- Medication refills/distribution
- Wound dressing
Tupapa Primary Care will provide the other services not accessible at the Puna Community Health Clinics and that are not emergencies, daily, from 8am to 4pm, except on Fridays.
Phone consultations will only be for requesting medication refills, off work reporting for one day, following up of lab results and some other queries.
Te Marae Ora would like to thank the people of Rarotonga for their patience and understanding these last two or so years as changes have needed to be made to the way medical and health services are provided.
ENDS: For more information, please visit www.health.gov.ck or contact Jaewynn McKay; jaewynn.mckay@cookislands.gov.ck +682 55486