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Media Release

Top 10 Public Health Tips

Health ministry Te Marae Ora has released 10 simple and effective public health measures to help guide the public protect themselves and their families and communities. From this week you will find the attached poster in public spots around the island

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Being thankful, kind, and compassionate

I wish to extend our appreciation to the two casual contacts who returned last Friday. What I appreciate most about these two young people, has been their courage to be honest regarding their movements in Auckland in the week prior to travel. Their actions have helped protect the people of the Cook Islands and we must be thankful.

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Precautionary measures taken for today’s arrivals

Two arriving passengers were identified as having visited one of the venues that the recently identified COVID-19 case in Auckland had visited. They have been placed in supervised quarantine as a precautionary measure alongside a third passenger who was seated beside one of the casual contacts.

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Exercise extreme caution with Epsom salts

Epsom salts should not be taken without a medical doctor’s advice. Many of our people have NCDs, like heart disease and diabetes and should not stop taking their medicines unless directed by their doctor. Those who are promoting this Epsom salt solution need to cease this action immediately.

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Public Health Law Reform

Te Marae Ora is holding open consultation sessions this month for members of the public who want to have their say on the current public health law reform process.

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Global Fund Vehicle Purchase

Te Marae Ora would like to acknowledge the United Nations Development Programme and Global Fund for their support in purchasing a vehicle for the ministry’s HIV/TB programme.

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