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Media Release

New Public Health Specialist Appointed

Te Marae Ora has appointed a public health specialist whose duties will involve monitoring the measures put in place or being put in place to deal with COVID-19, Non Communicable Diseases and Mental Health. Dr Anura Jayasinghe who was born in Sri Lanka where he did his early medical training, has also completed his post graduate trainings and worked in Australia and New Zealand. His most recent role was as a Medical Officer of Health with the Southern District Health Board based in Dunedin.

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Vaccine Consultation Meetings on Rarotonga

Te Marae Ora has organised four consultation meetings early next week to advise people on the government’s plans to roll-out the coronavirus COVID-19 vaccine. There will be a meeting in each Vaka and one at the dome at the National Auditorium; starting on Monday evening.

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Meitaki Ma’ata Rarotonga

Secretary of Health Bob Williams today reiterated his appreciation for the way most
people responded to advice from Te Marae Ora over the weekend.

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Updated – Reaction to Auckland’s Changing Levels

As you have probably heard Auckland has moved to Alert Level 3 (lockdown) and the rest of New Zealand to Alert Level 2 as of 6am today, for a period of seven days. NZ needed to do this to get on top of the cases they have and break the chain of transmission.

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Reaction to Auckland’s Changing Levels

Earlier this morning Auckland shifted to alert level 3 lockdown for seven days. The rest of New Zealand went into level 2 at the same time and for the same duration. These moves come after the NZ Ministry of Health announcement yesterday afternoon that a new COVID-19 case was detected in the community.

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Operation Namu is Underway

Aimed at halting the current dengue outbreak on Rarotonga, Operation Namu21 continues this week, with health ministry Te Marae Ora leading and coordinating a government-wide, multi-ministry approach to stopping the spread of the mosquito-borne virus

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