As has been widely communicated, Rarotonga has for many months been experiencing below average rain fall.
In order to get the maximum amount of water coming through the system and to consumers To Tatou Vai is bypassing the water cleaning regime. This has the consequence of water possibly being a darker colour than consumers have been used to in recent months, and certainly since the PACL trials started at each of the 10 intakes late last year.
Until such time that To Tatou Vai can provide potable water, all residents reliant on the public supply of water straight off the mains for drinking and cooking purposes need to remember to continue boiling their water.
That said, please also remember that there are 18 water stations scattered around the island where residents can collect free potable water, offsetting the need to boil water at home. These stations are maintained by To Tatou Vai, the water is tested regularly and the results are displayed at each of the water stations. In the coming weeks, storage capacity at those stations that do not currently have tanks will be installed, enhancing supply.
ENDS: Enquiries to Jaewynn McKay +682 55486