31 December 2021 (CKT)
With the opening of the Cook Islands air border in a little over three weeks’ time, it is important that the public are informed of the health measures and general public guidelines designed to keep our community safe.
This is the second in a series of releases which will inform the public of the new rules and regulations and contains information of the new processed and steps to take when you are felling unwell. The majority of these new rules and regulations come into effect on Thursday 13 January 2022.
There will be five (5) Health Clinics operating from the ten (10) Puna on Rarotonga including the use of the mobile bus services for the doctor visits.
Another Health Clinic will operate from the hospital on Aitutaki.
These Health Clinics will act as your first point of contact for any medical needs. The Rarotonga Hospital and Tupapa Outpatient facilities will be closed to the public.
The Rarotonga Health Clinics will be staffed by nurses, community health workers; and doctors will visit weekly. Oral health and mental health services will also be providing at these Health Clinics.
The Aitutaki Health Clinic will be operating from the Emergency Operating Centre in Arutanga and will be staffed by a nurse, health officers, Police and Taskforce members.
Pharmaceutical (medicines) and infection prevention control/personal protective equipment stocks will be delivered to each clinic during the week. The same also applies to the Aitutaki set-up.
The Health Clinics will be situated at the following five locations;
1. Tupapa/Maraerenga phone 28181 or 0800 1803
2. Blackrock phone 28185 or 0800 1807
3. Matavera phone 28189 or 0800 1813
4. Tepuka/Nikao phone 28186 or 0800 1806
5. Titikaveka phone 28190 or 0800 1810
These Health clinics will be responsible for:
- Phone Consultations
- Contact Tracing
- Medication Refills
- COVID-19 Swabbing
Ensure that you keep the contact details of your nearest Health Clinic handy and be sure to contact them and seek advice from a Te Marae Ora representative if you are feeling unwell.
It is important to stay home and self-isolate if you feel unwell. It’s the best way to stop the spread of COVID-19 and other infections.
COVID-19 Hotlines
Once Vodafone has completed installation the following COVID-19 Hotlines will be operational in Rarotonga and Aitutaki, these will be the numbers to call if you have any queries or are seeking advice regarding COVID-19.
In Rarotonga call: 0800 1888
In Aitutaki, please call: 0800 1222
In addition, the 0800 number for Mental Health assistance is 0800 1814 and the number for Primary Health Care in Tupapa is 0800 1801.
For more information visit:
ENDS: Contact Jaewynn McKay; jaewynn.mckay@cookislands.gov.ck +682 55486