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Preparing for Digital COVID Certificates

12 November 2021

In preparation for international travel regulations requiring travellers to prove their COVID-19 vaccination status, our health ministry Te Marae Ora (TMO) is in the process of setting up a digital registration system for all Cook Islands residents who have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Once complete, this system will assign all those who have been vaccinated a digital vaccination status certificate that can be stored on any portable smart device. Physical certificates will also be available for those without smart devices.

These certificates can then be used for travel purposes or in any other circumstances that may require you to verify your vaccination status.

In order for the digital certificate to be valid and verifiable, it needs to match the information recorded on your passport – or for those without passports, your birth certificate.

Accordingly, we are now inviting all COVID-19 vaccinated Cook Islands residents to submit a copy of their passport or birth certificate to TMO so that we can match these documents up with our COVID-19 vaccination records.

We would appreciate it if all documents can be submitted by Friday, November 26. This can be done in one of several different ways:

  1. Online: Go to and fill in the online form details before uploading a scanned copy of your passport bio page or birth certificate. Documents should be saved as either a jpg or pdf and should be named using the following formats – For passports: FullName_PP.jpg or FullName_PP.pdf (e.g., RobertWilliams_PP.jpg); For birth certificates: FullName_BC.jpg or FullName_BC.pdf (e.g., RachelBrown_BC.jpg).

  2. Email: Send a scanned copy of your passport bio page or birth certificate (saved and named as above) to

  3. In person in Rarotonga: Take a copy of your passport bio page or birth certificate to either Rarotonga Hospital, Tupapa Community Health Centre or your local Puna clinic. If you are unable to take a copy of the original, a copy/scan will be taken, and your original document will be handed to you.

  4. In person in the Pa Enua: Take a copy of your passport bio page or birth certificate to your local hospital.  Again, if you are unable to take a copy of the original, a copy/scan will be taken, and your original document will be handed to you.

The cost of these Digital Covid Certificates and cards will be $50 and they will be available once automation is completed – expected to be early 2022. Those who have already paid and been issued with a card or letter, will be re-issued a new one free or charge.

TMO wishes to thank all of our people in advance for their cooperation in this matter.

If you have any questions about this process, please email for further details.

ENDS: Media contact; Jaewynn McKay,   +682 55486